Tuesday, May 28, 2013

First they came for the sick,poor and disabled. Now they're coming for you

First the Tories came for the public sector, and you didn't speak out, because you aren't in the public sector:

Then they came for the students, and you didn't speak out, because you aren't a student: 

Then they came for the poor, and you didn't speak out because you aren't poor:

Then they came for the single parents, and you didn't speak out because you aren't a single parent:

Then they came for the unemployed, and you didn't speak out, because you aren't unemployed: 

Then they came for the long-term sick, and you didn't speak out, because you aren't long-term sick:

Then they came for the immigrants, and you didn't speak out, because you aren't an immigrant: 

Then they came for the school pupils, and you didn't speak out, because you are no longer a pupil:

If you don't do something about it, there'll be no one left to speak for you.

So sign this petition before it's too late!!

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